This morning I stepped out over the dew dampened grass luxuriating in the early sun and relishing the peace of the neighbourhood before the lawn-mowing leaf-blowing brigade began their Saturday labours, before the dogs began to bark and the next door pool began its irritating whine. A garden is enchanting at that early hour of…
Month: October 2018
Leptospermums dazzle in Spring
We are experiencing a sublime Spring in the NSW Central Tablelands this year. There have been some excitingly plentiful rainfalls: gardens are luxuriant with blossom, lawns are green, and trees are putting on rapid growth. Roses, which grow exceedingly well in this area, are producing exuberantly: voluminous beauties floating over garden walls, arresting the walker…
Saturday Splendours, SoS Oct 13.
Spring is galloping ahead here in Mudgee. We’ve had some rain and the garden is flowering in quite an unrestrained fashion. Many trees have finished their Spring blossoming and are now decked out in leaves of soft tender green. I’ve been away for almost a week and have returned to find that new blooms are…
Whatever is a bag worm, do I hear you enquire? Indeed, I didn’t know myself (despite having often seen them ) until quite recently when I discovered one of these interesting creatures dragging its home laboriously behind itself across our gravelly path. Fascinated, I watched its action as it ventured, half out of its cocoon, …