Perhaps influenced by the recent revival of sea shanties, it was a case of ‘Hooray and up she rises’ for me early this morning. Still in my night attire, with a cup of tea in one hand and a hose in the other, I set about watering in the garden before the heat of the…
Category: Six on Saturday
‘O Summer, wherefore art thou?’
I’m grateful for the rain we’ve had. Truly grateful. It has been consistent and there has been a lot of it. The garden is loving it, although a few drought hardy plants might be moaning about their roots being damp. La NiƱa was promised this summer and has delivered by the tankful. However, at the…
Last of the year: December 19, 2020.
In truth, these photos were taken on Friday, as writing a post on a Saturday isn’t possible this week, and as the last Saturday of the year is Christmas Day, also a day when posting isn’t likely to occur, I’m cheating a bit to get one more post in before the end of the year….
Six on Saturday: November 21, 2020
A week of hot dry days has seen the hoses out seriously for the first time this Spring. There has been some wind as well: on Monday it was 35 degrees and very windy, a recipe for lethargy and languor which could only be assuaged by the application of water. The roses have pretty much…
Throngs of Colour. SoS October 31, 2020.
Six on Saturday this week is leading off with an old friend, Rosa ‘Climbing Pinkie’. Having ended last season with as bad a dose of powdery mildew as you’re likely to see anywhere, steady applications of potash and rose food and a good prune have helped to ensure that Pinkie has rewarded with an outstanding…
It rained today…. SoS October 24, 2020.
It has rained today and it seems that in the matter of a morning, the garden has stood up, greened up and geared up again, rejuvenated and ready for more of the rampant flowering that has delighted us for the last few weeks. The bulbs and irises are almost over now and others have taken…
SoS September 19 2020
A very sharp shower earlier this evening heralded a small amount of expected and hoped-for rain. I’m hoping for rain on two counts. One: the weather has been unseasonally warm and two: another day’s respite from painting the outside of the house, a project that was started this week which is proving rather exhausting. Spring…
White. SoS 12 September 2020
The garden has swung into action, rejoicing in recent rain and warmer temperatures. It’s remarkable how rapidly plants grow in favourable conditions such as the ones we are experiencing just now. Today I’m joining in with the Six on Saturday crowd, as always captained by The Propagator. To catch a glimpse of what other people…
Hanging On, May 23, 2020.
A grey and rather wintry day today. Even though it isn’t winter yet, the temperature indicated colder days ahead as it struggled towards 13 degrees, and a cold wind nipped around my knees and ears as I visited two gardens which are going to be included in the Mudgee Open Garden weekend in October. All…
Anzac Day. April 25, 2020.
It’s ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand. Usually there would be dawn services and a little later in the day, marches in cities and towns followed by drinks in the pub with old comrades and even a few games of two-up, today being the only day of the year when this game can be…