Perhaps influenced by the recent revival of sea shanties, it was a case of ‘Hooray and up she rises’ for me early this morning. Still in my night attire, with a cup of tea in one hand and a hose in the other, I set about watering in the garden before the heat of the day became too apparent. Yes, after my wishing for Summer in my last post, it duly arrived the very next day, and has stayed with us for two weeks, with more to come. Accompanied by hot westerly winds at times, it has tested the garden and the benefits of La Niña are fading. I hope we haven’t said goodbye to her altogether. The early mornings however, are gorgeous – still, quiet, dewy and peaceful.
It’s Saturday, and I’m joining in with the Six on Saturday crowd again. My first for this week is Agastache rugosa ‘Blue Fortune’ (above) which has endured a couple of moves, and finally seems to be happy with this one, beside a rather ravishing crimson pelargonium.

Two: A glowing ‘Peace’ rosebud is about to open. I hasten to add that any drops of water are from the hose, and not rain.

Three: I purchased a large punnet of annual Vinca, all white, last week and have planted them to take over from some very tired Alyssum in the same colour. They will last until the frost arrives and unlike the perennial Vinca, which tends to get ideas above its station about how much room it should have in a garden, will flower continually while remaining neat and contained.

Four: Salvia michrophylla ‘Ribambelle’, an import the label tells me, from the South of France. Dainty and long flowering, a charming addition to the border.

Five: A few Cosmos seeds tossed around the garden at the end of last summer have resulted in a proliferation this year, but with flowers like these, perfect in the early morning sun, who would complain?

Six: A profusion of Gaura flowers dance in the spray like a migration of butterflies. Gaura is another plant that tends to spread itself wantonly around the garden, but its effect has been so gorgeous that I am happy to pull out any seedlings that have migrated to places where they’ve no right to be. I have enjoyed watching bees collecting pollen from the flowers. With their saddle bags full, they swing from the stamens like acrobats. I invested quite a bit of time one morning recently trying to catch them on camera, but all my results were blurry – no surprise, really.
Those are my six for this week. The anchorman for SoS is Jon The Propagator, and more Saturday posts can be found on his blog. Do take a look!
A note about the sea shanty phenomenon: Nathan Evans, a Scottish postman posted a video (if that is what they’re called these days) on TikTok of himself singing a shanty ‘The Wellerman’, and has now become so popular he has signed a record deal.
Weather today: Sunny. 15 -35 degrees C.
It all looks so lovely, freshly watered in the morning light. The ‘Peace’ rosebud is exquisite and you’ve reminded me what a cheerful trooper cosmos is. I’ve made a note to self to sow some this year in our new patch – I could never work out why but it just wouldn’t thrive in Asturias. Enjoy the warmth, could do with borrowing a bit!
And I’d send you some warm if I could, Lis. We have plenty now after a slow start, but at least you have plenty of work to keep you warm! Cosmos are excellent value and definitely belong in the trooper category. I’d like some different colours for next year.
I’m going to have that sea shanty in my head all day now! Stunning Cosmos and Gaura. I’ve not see an annual Vinca before. I’ll have to look it up later.
The sea shanties are a real ‘thing’ just now. Sorry to give you an ear worm! Vincas come in a good range of colours, so are an excellent trouble free addition to the garden.
Any update? Four days later, are you OK?
I was fine! Another earworm took over.
Any updates? Four days later, are you OK?
Absolutely fabulous photo of the Gaura. I like Agastache v much and just bought seed to sow this year. That’s a lovely grouping you have there with the salvia, agastache, pelargonium and I think some drumstick allium seed heads at the back?
Yes, those are drumstick alliums as well. Guaras are often maligned here as a garden thug and there was even talk of adding them to the list of weedy plants to avoid. I’m glad that didn’t happen. I hope your Agastache grows well – it’s a lovely trouble free plant.
Those sea shanties are great. I fear I haven’t used my lockdown anywhere near as productively. Lovely photos and I was interested to see the annual vinca. I didn’t know there was such a thing so am off to find out about it. That is one of the best things about the Sixers.
The annual vinca comes in a very nice range of colours…I hope you find some.
I have also planted quite a few plants because I saw them on SoS. There are frequently things that are entirely new to me, so I have learnt a lot from being part of this wonderful group of gardeners.
I’m just a tad envious, Jane. My cosmos from the horrible summer last year did not self seed so we have none this year. I do love your white gaura. Truly magnificent. I dispatched mine because it kept wandering off. Have you tried the pink one? I have found that it is not quite as adventurous. The spot of red and blue in your garden looks lovely together.
Thanks, Tracy. It’s a bit surprising that you didn’t get any Cosmos this year. All mine have just popped up without any encouragement from me.
I do have other Gauras, both light and dark pink, but they don’t have as much movement as the white, which can’t be beaten for swaying breezily.
No argument from me, Jane. 🙂
Lovely summer colours, as I often say. I have featured Gaura in my Six-on-Saturday but having just pruned it. I grew them from seed probably 10 years ago and they are still going strong.
I’ll be giving my Gaura a summer prune before too long Granny,as it gets very big after a while and needs to be taken in hand. They are wonderful plants though. So tough.
I laughed to see your mention of the sea shanties. I have a draft post in my files about them, and it’s focused on the one you shared. It’s nice that people on different sides of the world can be interested in the same good things for once!
I hope you publish your sea shanty post! I think it would make very interesting reading. I am glad for the ‘Singing Postman’ that he is having such success.
I also grow Gaura flowers but mine are dark pink. Whites are nice too. I have to cut back the tuft for next summer blooms.
I’ll be giving mine a small summmer haircut soon as they have a tendency to get very big. I also have them in pale pink and a dark pink, the dark pink being a standout in the garden.
It is so nice to see so many blooming flowers while we are having winter here.
Yes, one of the pleasures of doing garden blogs is being able to see gardens from other parts of the world.
Great to see some Summer sunshine. Your garden has some lovely flowers.
Thank you!
I tried a pink Gaura but it spread dreadfully and then after I cut it back it died! The white ones are more delicate I think. Nice in a gravel garden with grasses – all swaying in the breeze. Lovely to spend some time in the sunshine with you.
Thanks, Jude. I have pale and dark pink Gauras, but the white one can’t be beaten for delicacy and form. Sunshine we have aplenty now!
Groan… Send some over, please!
Oh what I’d give for some warm, sunny weather right now! I can visualise those ‘still, quiet, dewy and peaceful’ mornings that you’re enjoying.
The guara is fabulous, Jane, and long may your vibrant cosmos continue to thrive, it’s one annual I wouldn’t be without.
Thank you Catherine. If I could send some sunny weather, I would☀️.
The pink salvia is quite good, I live in the south of France and have not noticed it here, I must look harder.
bonnie in provence
It’s a very pretty Salvia, a bit more delicate than some of the other well known ones. Perhaps you’ll find one in Provence. I hope so as it’s a good addition to the garden.
The Gaura in that light truly is magical. I’ll have to look into Rimambelle. The delicate pink of those blossoms is enticing. I appreciate the generosity of plants like Cosmos that fill any gaps with their feathery foliage and cheerful flowers.
Yes, Cosmos is often thought of as a common flower, I think, but one that is so trouble free that it’s a worthwhile addition to any garden. Ribambelle is just about my favourite Salvia.
Lovely cosmos.
Thank you.😊
That sounds like a wonderful way to start the day, Jane, even if it’s a hot one. I love the look of the Gaura, which I also allow to move around my garden. I heard that very same sea shanty on my morning news program just yesterday too. Seeing your pretty Cosmos is prompting me to sow some seeds this afternoon in hope of getting blooms this summer. We got rain today and there’s more in the forecast so perhaps the timing is opportune.
I’m so pleased you’ve had some rain, Kris, and hope you receive more. The singing postman seems to have gone viral and good luck to him!
I don’t know how much longer we’ll have the dewy mornings before things start to really dry out, so I’m enjoying them while I can.
All those lovely flowering plants. Some months ago I bought 6 little sunflower seedlings. There was nothing to indicate they would grow into small trees and get multiple flower heads. They are enormous and do the bees have a feast?
From heating the house last week we now have a heat wave with 37c predicted today.
Whew… stay safe in that heat, Gerard. I can imagine all those bees on the sunflowers: you’re doing them a good turn by planting excellent pollen providing flowers.
Don’t salvias make a wonderful display. Mine are looking great at the moment.
Always flowering no matter what: Salvias are brilliant plants.
And I love how you can give them a good haircut and off they go again. I have several and they fill up the rose garden beautifully.
Beautiful salvia – there’s such a variety of salvias around in both shape and form. ‘Ribambelle’ looks a particularly choice selection!
I heard the singing postman on the radio, he seemed surprisingly relaxed about his new found fame. A very down to earth sort of bloke!
Salvias are great in my garden as they can pretty much withstand anything . We’re now hailing hot, windy weather, but the salvias keep on going. Thanks for your comment, Andrew.
It was a joy to step into your garden! Agastache, gaura, cosmos and roses, all beautiful. The Wellerman is a great song too.
Thank you. I’m happy to be spreading 🤩
It does my soul good to see some sunshiny pictures and summer flowers. Your Gaura is absolutely gorgeous and I am so envious! Mine never gets that big! 😃
Thank you, Cathy. I’m surprised your Gaura doesn’t grow big. I would have thought you’d have a kinder climate where you are. Sunshine will be coming to you soon!
I am thrilled for two reasons…. You write lovingly about your Gaura and the Agastache. They look reat! I’m excited because they are on my list for seed sowing in early February. Is it true that Gaura has a very long flowering season?
Hello Pádraig, My Gaura have been flowering since early November and are still going strong! I expect they will keep on until well into Autumn. Perhaps until April, so yes, very long flowering. I give them a small trim late in the summer as they can become a bit straggly. A dark pink one is particularly pretty late in the season with very long sprays of flowers. The Agastache is very long flowering as well. Both plants are very tough though obviously, they’d get a lot more water where you are!
All is pretty, but the last one was so gorgeous!
I adore the fluttering cloud of Gaura flowers. So sheer and lovely!
Thank you, Anna!