Heat, drought, dust, fire and wind.

I haven’t posted a Six on Saturday for nearly two months. There hasn’t been a great deal to celebrate recently, as drought, heat, wind and water restrictions take their toll on the garden. Just now we are allowed to water on a day that corresponds with our street number (evens for us) from 6 am…

SoS (plus One): October 12, 2019

It was a dull, cool and windy day today: a return to winter, and not really the best sort of weather for taking garden photos. Flowers were tossing uncooperatively in the breeze and the sun was obscuring itself behind banks of grey, but unfortunately not rain-bearing, clouds. However, I found six photos as I’m joining…

The Rush to Flower: September 14, 2019

After a week of cold winds and low temperature (a return to Winter really), Spring is back with us today, and the warm weather is hastening plants into bud, leaf and flower. Without further ado, here are this week’s six. One: Iris hollandia (above) is relishing the warm days and its cerulean petals echo the…


It seems some folk will do anything to get exposure to the sun, although I wonder if it really was warmer four metres up a tree than on the ground. Is that a look of immense satisfaction? An ‘I’m the king of the castle’ moment? Or perhaps, ‘It isn’t really all that comfortable up up…

The sap is rising… August 31, 2019

The weeks are hurtling by with the swiftness of an arrow from a bow, it seems. No sooner has one weekend finished than another looms. Spring is upon us here in the Central Tablelands of New South Wales. Each day more leaves and blossoms appear: growing things are doing what they do in the predestined…

I’ll light the fire. SoS: August 17, 2019.

‘I’ll light the fire, while you place the flowers in the vase that we bought today….’ Crosby, Stills Nash and Young Today is a taste of Spring: a cold start, but later warm, sunny and still. Warm enough to sit outside and have a morning coffee and enjoy the collection of succulents in the blue…

Brrr! SoS August 10, 2019.

Bleak is the best word to describe today. An Antarctic freeze has buffeted its way from the south bringing with it the coldest weather we’ve had in a long time. Snow has fallen not far from us, and a small amount of rain, bringing the total for the whole of winter (so far) to 13.2…

Cold, mostly: SoS June 22, 2019

It’s been rather cold here in the Central Tablelands of NSW. A couple of mornings where the minimum temperature was almost -7 degrees (well below average for this time of year) really made us take notice of Winter, and we still have the two coldest months ahead of us. As often happens after a frost…

Winter arrives: SoS June 8, 2019

It’s officially Winter here in Australia, and after an Antarctic blast during the week, the weather has settled itself into the more common pattern for us: frosty mornings followed by beautiful sunshine and warm(ish) days, although it is, in fact, cloudy today. We’ve been away for a couple of weeks south to Victoria, and I…

Frosty Morning

Frost crept into the garden today creating silvery spangles on the lawn. Minus three this morning – Winter has really begun.